Radically positive PhD support
Finish Your PhD with Confidence and Ease
Expert Coaching | PhD Success Community | Career Clarity
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The three secrets of PhD Success
Create a Phd that fits your lifestyle and helps you build your dream career with our personalized programs!
Doing a PhD isn't rocket science. To finish it with ease and success you just need these three things :
A goal - so you know where you're going.
A plan - to accelerate your progress without exhausting yourself.
A support system - people who stick with you when things get tough and who cheer for you when you succeed.
No matter what it is that you need most - we've got you covered with our programs!
I offer personal support to female early career scientists who want it all:
Success without burnout
Recognition and visibility for your accomplishments
A great career in academia or beyond
A life on your terms - with enough time and space for all the things that are important to you.
The Signature Program
Ph***ing Do it!
90-day PhD finisher's challenge
Struggling to finish your PhD?
This challenge and group coaching program is what you've been missing!
Create your step-by-step roadmap to submission
Solve bottlenecks in weekly group coaching sessions
Team up with other motivated PhD finishers and do the final sprint together
The successful start kit
Become the CEO of your PhD
Lead your PhD with confidence and poise.Six 1:1 coaching calls and hands-on exercises to help you take control over your PhD from day 1 - rather than leaving your career up to your PI.
The premium treatment
The effortless PhD
PhD, but make it easy.In ten 1:1 coaching sessions, you will get clear about your goals, realize what's possible for you and take the necessary steps to shape your PhD so it aligns with the life you want to live TODAY while becoming a step stone towards the career of your dreams.Successfully and effortlessly.
Short communications

Some issues don't require an entire coaching program. One conversation can be enough to get you unstuck.That's where my coaching short comms come in:
Get the map: Create a plan to reach an important milestone. Could be submitting a paper, a proposal or even your thesis. I'll share with you the framework that helped me finish my PhD fast, without stress, and with a paper published in Science.
Oh my PI: Your PI keeps dropping tasks on you that keep you from working on your priorities? They are micro-managing you or never available? Together, we develop a strategy to get your PI to give you the support you need and frame it into a pitch they cannot resist.
Writer's block buster: Need to write a draft but don't know where or how to start? I got you! With my step-by-step guidance you'll go from messy notes to a structured outline that will make the writing easy (and better ;)).
Client love

“Andrea helped me find the courage to make a life changing decision that I was too scared to make and, therefore, was comfortably thinking about it as something my future self would deal with. Andrea doesn’t ask a lot of questions, but she asks the right ones.For me, it only took one to give me the courage to immediately chase the life I wanted: why not now?And for that, I’m truly grateful.”Isabel, CTO

"I thought my situation might be too convoluted to benefit from coaching, but Andrea quickly and sharply grasped my situation and guided me toward clarity that I couldn’t attain when I was spinning my wheels on my own.I felt safe to explore and follow my internal signals in her gentle and compassionate presence."Bora, PhD student

In-house workshops
I offer workshops for universities and graduate schools to support PhD researchers at every step of their journey.Whether they just started their PhD or are about to submit the thesis, whether they want to succeed in their academic career or thrive in industry - I have the right course for them.
I currently offer workshops on the following topics:
Time and self management for PhDs
Preparing effective presentations and posters
Scientific writing
Communication at the Science-Policy interface
How to create impact with your research
Networking for early career researchers
For more info please visit workshops.andreaperino.com or reach out to me via the contact form.
Get in Touch!
Have a question? Send us a message!
Frequently asked questions
What's the story behind the name WiSible?
It's no secret that despite all the efforts towards equality and all the small and big wins, we - women in general and women in science in particular - are still facing obstacles and hurdles that make it way harder for us to succeed than it is for (white, cis-) men. And the system that maintains all these inequalities isn't gonna change anytime soon.So, if we want to thrive, we have to find our own way through it.One that focuses on collaboration rather than competition.
Mindfulness rather than hustle culture.
Balance rather than burnout.With WiSible I want to empower women to find their way to success, in academia and beyond.Because we have a right to be here, we have a right to succeed, we have a right to be seen, and we have a right to thrive as scientists and humans.
Are you only helping women?
Generally, my programs are open for anyone who feels they will benefit from my experience and my style of coaching and teaching. Courses I teach at universities and research institutes are of course open to all genders.
That said, the programs I design for WISible are made for women.
With their struggles, their realities of having to juggle many responsibilities and their unique strengths.
I want women in science to thrive, I want us to be visible, and I want us to support each other. And I want WISible to be the go-to place for women to get what they need to reach their dreams.
What exactly happens in the courses?
I'll give you a typical scientist's answer: It depends.The cohort courses address the needs of PhD candidates at different points in their journey."Become the CEO of your PhD" is for graduate students who are still at the beginning of their PhD and who want to make sure they set up the project so it brings them closer to their future career goals. To make sure that happens, we cover topics such as project management, goal setting, negotiation tactics (so you can convince your supervisor to let you do the things you want to do), habits for success, mindfulness and sustainability, and strategic networking."Ph*ing Do it!" is all about finishing the PhD. It’s a 90-day challenge that you do together with other PhD candidates with the aim to submit the thesis by the end of the program. Here, we have an intensive kick-off week with calls and exercises where everyone works out their personal finisher’s roadmap. After that, we get on weekly calls where we celebrate successes and solve issues that came up along the way. It’s a mix of hands-on course, group coaching, and peer support. Individual coaching is also available for issues that can’t be solved in the group setting
The courses are a mix of theoretical input and interactive exercises during and between live calls. Every now and then there will be live hot seat coaching for some of you and there will always be room to exchange with your fellow participants.
For every course you will be assigned a buddy or a support group. The women you are connected with are your accountability partners, rooting for you and making sure you stay on track.
Most people will thrive with the resources and support provided in the group programs. But sometimes, you may run into issues that cannot be solved in the group. For those cases I reserve a limited number of slots for individual coaching.
How does PhD coaching work?
A colleague, psychiatrist and coach at Harvard Medical School once put it like this:“In psychotherapy, you follow the path of your tears. In coaching, you follow the path of your dreams”.That sums it up pretty well. Coaching is a future-oriented approach. It helps you pave the way forward and strengthens and supports you in achieving their goals.Importantly, in our 1:1 coaching relationship you are the boss. You bring the agenda and I follow your lead and support you to find solutions to your problems. I suggest a program as orientation but we can go off-script any time.
I’m interested in joining one of your programs but I can’t afford them. What can I do?
I get it.
Getting personal PhD support is not a small investment and it can feel crazy or impossible to spend so much money on coaching or a targeted course.But, I want you to consider this: Every month that you submit the PhD sooner, is a month where you will potentially earn more than you do now. Do the maths: How long would it take you to work in your dream job post graduation before the investment pays off? Probably it’s not that long.If you still feel, you cannot afford to work with me, please do have a close look at all the options I offer. If 1:1 coaching is not affordable for you right now, I’m convinced you’d still benefit a lot from one of the courses, and those are much more affordable. Plus, you get the added value of working in a peer group and connecting to likeminded PhDs.If you still feel, the investment is too big, get in touch with me. We can arrange monthly installments, we can discuss discounts if you convince a friend to join the course, too, and maybe there’s even the option that your university sponsors your participation. Let’s talk about it!
1 on 1 coaching
The effortless PhD
10 1:1 coaching sessions with full focus on creating your dream PhD.
You choose: Get my support for five months (2 sessions/month) or in weekly sessions.
Your investment: 2.500 €
About Me

You know what you want in life.
A career that excites you and aligns with your values.
Enough time for your friends, family and yourself.
Success.And sometimes you wonder how doing a PhD fits into that. It just feels like the opposite of what you want so often!I know. I've been there.
I started my PhD even though I knew I didn't want to be a scientist. I'd much rather become a science journalist but unfortunately, all my applications were rejected. So I thought to myself if I can't have what I want I'll do this PhD. At least I'll get to write and do fieldwork in a nice sunny place, and I'll be free in organizing my daily work.So I thought.But turns out, Portugal isn't that sunny, my writing often stalled because I didn't get feedback from my advisor or my co-authors, work hours were long and my paper got desk rejected.
Instead of feeling relaxed, in charge and successful, I was stressed and frustrated pretty often. And worst of all, I didn't know WHY I was doing all that to myself. I didn't have a vision for my life after the PhD (I still didn't want to be a scientist) and my motivation hit rock bottom.Then, I found this job I really, really wanted. But, to be qualified, I needed a PhD.
6 months later I had
• the job
• my first chapter published in Science
• submitted my dissertationAll while being in a relationship, hanging out with friends, taking my pony on rides and going on four-week holidays every year.
How did I do that?
• I found my "why"
• I created an efficient system to manage my project
• I asked for supportI believe with all my heart that if you have these three things you can succeed in anything you put your mind to.

That's why I created WiSible
To walk with you on your path to the career of your dreams.Whatever that may mean for you.
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Dr. Andrea Perino
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+49 (0)176/57852714
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