Radically positive PhD support

Finish Your PhD with Confidence and Ease

Expert Coaching | PhD Success Community | Career Clarity

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The three secrets of PhD Success

Create a Phd that fits your lifestyle and helps you build your dream career with our personalized programs!

Doing a PhD isn't rocket science. To finish it with ease and success you just need these three things :

A goal - so you know where you're going.
A plan - to accelerate your progress without exhausting yourself.
A support system - people who stick with you when things get tough and who cheer for you when you succeed.

No matter what it is that you need most - we've got you covered with our programs!



I offer personal support to female early career scientists who want it all:

  • Success without burnout

  • Recognition and visibility for your accomplishments

  • A great career in academia or beyond

  • A life on your terms - with enough time and space for all the things that are important to you.


graduation, success, PhD, female scientist, finished, submitted, thesis, dissertation

The Signature Program

Ph***ing Do it!

90-day PhD finisher's challenge
Struggling to finish your PhD?
This challenge and group coaching program is what you've been missing!

  • Create your step-by-step roadmap to submission

  • Solve bottlenecks in weekly group coaching sessions

  • Team up with other motivated PhD finishers and do the final sprint together

female scientist, leadership, CEO, PhD success, science career

The successful start kit

Become the CEO of your PhD

Lead your PhD with confidence and poise.Six 1:1 coaching calls and hands-on exercises to help you take control over your PhD from day 1 - rather than leaving your career up to your PI.

effortless, easy, successful, PhD, female scientist

The premium treatment

The effortless PhD

PhD, but make it easy.In ten 1:1 coaching sessions, you will get clear about your goals, realize what's possible for you and take the necessary steps to shape your PhD so it aligns with the life you want to live TODAY while becoming a step stone towards the career of your dreams.Successfully and effortlessly.

Short communications

PhD, trainer, coach, support, female scientist

Some issues don't require an entire coaching program. One conversation can be enough to get you unstuck.That's where my coaching short comms come in:

  • Get the map: Create a plan to reach an important milestone. Could be submitting a paper, a proposal or even your thesis. I'll share with you the framework that helped me finish my PhD fast, without stress, and with a paper published in Science.

  • Oh my PI: Your PI keeps dropping tasks on you that keep you from working on your priorities? They are micro-managing you or never available? Together, we develop a strategy to get your PI to give you the support you need and frame it into a pitch they cannot resist.

  • Writer's block buster: Need to write a draft but don't know where or how to start? I got you! With my step-by-step guidance you'll go from messy notes to a structured outline that will make the writing easy (and better ;)).

Client love

life-changing, career, success, female leader

“Andrea helped me find the courage to make a life changing decision that I was too scared to make and, therefore, was comfortably thinking about it as something my future self would deal with. Andrea doesn’t ask a lot of questions, but she asks the right ones.For me, it only took one to give me the courage to immediately chase the life I wanted: why not now?And for that, I’m truly grateful.”Isabel, CTO

clarity, career, safe space, coaching, support, supportive, positive

"I thought my situation might be too convoluted to benefit from coaching, but Andrea quickly and sharply grasped my situation and guided me toward clarity that I couldn’t attain when I was spinning my wheels on my own.I felt safe to explore and follow my internal signals in her gentle and compassionate presence."Bora, PhD student

clarity, ease, PhD, decision
clarity, ease, PhD, decision

In-house workshops

I offer workshops for universities and graduate schools to support PhD researchers at every step of their journey.Whether they just started their PhD or are about to submit the thesis, whether they want to succeed in their academic career or thrive in industry - I have the right course for them.

I currently offer workshops on the following topics:

  • Time and self management for PhDs

  • Preparing effective presentations and posters

  • Scientific writing

  • Communication at the Science-Policy interface

  • How to create impact with your research

  • Networking for early career researchers

For more info please visit workshops.andreaperino.com or reach out to me via the contact form.

Get in Touch!

Have a question? Send us a message!

Frequently asked questions

What's the story behind the name WiSible?

It's no secret that despite all the efforts towards equality and all the small and big wins, we - women in general and women in science in particular - are still facing obstacles and hurdles that make it way harder for us to succeed than it is for (white, cis-) men. And the system that maintains all these inequalities isn't gonna change anytime soon.So, if we want to thrive, we have to find our own way through it.One that focuses on collaboration rather than competition.
Mindfulness rather than hustle culture.
Balance rather than burnout.
With WiSible I want to empower women to find their way to success, in academia and beyond.Because we have a right to be here, we have a right to succeed, we have a right to be seen, and we have a right to thrive as scientists and humans.

Are you only helping women?

Generally, my programs are open for anyone who feels they will benefit from my experience and my style of coaching and teaching. Courses I teach at universities and research institutes are of course open to all genders.
That said, the programs I design for WISible are made for women.
With their struggles, their realities of having to juggle many responsibilities and their unique strengths.
I want women in science to thrive, I want us to be visible, and I want us to support each other. And I want WISible to be the go-to place for women to get what they need to reach their dreams.

What exactly happens in the courses?

I'll give you a typical scientist's answer: It depends.The cohort courses address the needs of PhD candidates at different points in their journey."Become the CEO of your PhD" is for graduate students who are still at the beginning of their PhD and who want to make sure they set up the project so it brings them closer to their future career goals. To make sure that happens, we cover topics such as project management, goal setting, negotiation tactics (so you can convince your supervisor to let you do the things you want to do), habits for success, mindfulness and sustainability, and strategic networking."Ph*ing Do it!" is all about finishing the PhD. It’s a 90-day challenge that you do together with other PhD candidates with the aim to submit the thesis by the end of the program. Here, we have an intensive kick-off week with calls and exercises where everyone works out their personal finisher’s roadmap. After that, we get on weekly calls where we celebrate successes and solve issues that came up along the way. It’s a mix of hands-on course, group coaching, and peer support. Individual coaching is also available for issues that can’t be solved in the group setting
The courses are a mix of theoretical input and interactive exercises during and between live calls. Every now and then there will be live hot seat coaching for some of you and there will always be room to exchange with your fellow participants.
For every course you will be assigned a buddy or a support group. The women you are connected with are your accountability partners, rooting for you and making sure you stay on track.
Most people will thrive with the resources and support provided in the group programs. But sometimes, you may run into issues that cannot be solved in the group. For those cases I reserve a limited number of slots for individual coaching.

How does PhD coaching work?

A colleague, psychiatrist and coach at Harvard Medical School once put it like this:“In psychotherapy, you follow the path of your tears. In coaching, you follow the path of your dreams”.That sums it up pretty well. Coaching is a future-oriented approach. It helps you pave the way forward and strengthens and supports you in achieving their goals.Importantly, in our 1:1 coaching relationship you are the boss. You bring the agenda and I follow your lead and support you to find solutions to your problems. I suggest a program as orientation but we can go off-script any time.

I’m interested in joining one of your programs but I can’t afford them. What can I do?

I get it.
Getting personal PhD support is not a small investment and it can feel crazy or impossible to spend so much money on coaching or a targeted course.
But, I want you to consider this: Every month that you submit the PhD sooner, is a month where you will potentially earn more than you do now. Do the maths: How long would it take you to work in your dream job post graduation before the investment pays off? Probably it’s not that long.If you still feel, you cannot afford to work with me, please do have a close look at all the options I offer. If 1:1 coaching is not affordable for you right now, I’m convinced you’d still benefit a lot from one of the courses, and those are much more affordable. Plus, you get the added value of working in a peer group and connecting to likeminded PhDs.If you still feel, the investment is too big, get in touch with me. We can arrange monthly installments, we can discuss discounts if you convince a friend to join the course, too, and maybe there’s even the option that your university sponsors your participation. Let’s talk about it!

1 on 1 coaching

The effortless PhD

  • 10 1:1 coaching sessions with full focus on creating your dream PhD.

  • You choose: Get my support for five months (2 sessions/month) or in weekly sessions.

  • Your investment: 2.500 €

The Interface

Not your Standard PhD Career Letter

The Interface is for you if you want to navigate your academic journey with intention, confidence and ease.Each Tuesday, I share practical advice and actionable insights from outside the ivory tower to help you make the most of your academic journey and beyond:• Finish your thesis faster and with less stress.
• Use insights from fields like entrepreneurship, communication, management and community building to amplify your impact.
• Transform your research and unique skillset into a personal brand that sets you up for your next career step.
Whether that's in academia, industry, or something else entirely.

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Become a reader of The Interface for exclusive insights from entrepreneurship, communication, management, and community building to help you thrive in your career - in academia and beyond

Previous issues of The Interface

February 11, 2025

Issue 4: ✨ The interface: Hate networking? Build connections instead

Forget about "networking". Start building connections

I'll be honest: I often feel incredibly uncomfortable in classic networking situations.I'm an extrovert, I love talking, I love meeting new people - you'd think icebreakers and conference dinners are a walk in the park for me. But nope - especially when I'm on my own without a wingman or -woman, I often feel out of place and super-awkward because I don't know how to chat someone up in an light, yet professional way. And the only thing that's worse than going alone IMO is shadowing someone senior because you hope they'll introduce you to all the important people they know but then they don't and you stand there next to them looking like a lost puppy.So, if you dread networking, believe me, I get it. That's why for today's issue I gathered some facts, some myths and some tricks about networking so you and me feel (and do) better next time we find ourselves among very important persons.The Science Behind NetworkingI guess it is safe to say that we didn't need research to convince us of the importance of our loved ones - our friends, and families who make us feel loved and like we belong in this crazy world. But research shows that the emotional support and sense of belonging those closest to us offer not "only" make us happy - a strong personal network has been linked to better academic outcomes, too (Tinto, 2012, Pérez II & Taylor, 2016).But although we cannot overestimate the importance of our inner circle, to thrive in our careers we need a second type of network. One that is characterized by weaker, more formal ties and can provide access to diverse perspectives and valuable information that may not be available in our inner circle (Gašević et al., 2013; Thomas, 2000). These broader connections can be a gateway to new ideas, potential job openings, diverse opportunities and even unexpected career.So, to thrive in your PhD and beyond, you'll need both: a supportive inner circle and a professional network that includes colleagues, collaborators, and other professional contacts. Now, let's talk about how we can build those connections without cringing.The Four Biggest Networking Myths (And How to Get Over Them)"Networking is manipulation." Networking isn’t about schmoozing or transactional relationships. It’s about building real, meaningful connections with people who share your interests, challenge your thinking, and - yes - help you grow.
Here's a change in perspective that made networking much easier and more natural for me: Stop thinking about what you want from your new connections and instead think about what you have to offer to them.
"But I don't have anything to offer." I know it is easy to feel this way. Especially if you're trying to connect to people who seem lightyears ahead of you. But it's not true! You absolutely do have things to offer! Your research, your skills, your fresh perspective - all of these are valuable. Networking is about sharing and exchanging ideas. Your curiosity alone makes you a great conversation partner!
"I’m an introvert, so networking isn’t for me." Great news: introverts are often the best networkers. Why? Because they listen more than they talk. Networking isn’t about being the loudest voice in the room; it’s about forming meaningful one-on-one connections. Start small - send a thoughtful LinkedIn message, attend a virtual seminar, or follow up with someone whose work inspired you.
In real-life settings find ways to make the first step easier for you. For example, instead of trying to chat up the famous professor go to a poster session, find a presenter who is currently alone and ask them a question. It's great practice and they'll be forever grateful someone came and saved them from awkwardly standing next to their poster. (in case you're still wondering if you have anything to offer).
"Networking is only for people who are more advanced in their careers." Sure, networking becomes more important the closer you get to your next job search. But even if you're still early in your PhD journey, and even if your network are mostly the people in your lab and other PhD researchers who you met in a pre-conference workshop, there are two things to consider:
First, your connections are a long-term investment. A few years down the line those are the people who can recommend you for jobs, collaborate on research with you, and help you navigate tricky career decisions.
Second, as we learned earlier, networking isn't just stiff, formal business interactions. It is a way to make new friends for life, too. And it is never too early for that!

This Week’s Spotlight: How to Start Networking (Without Feeling Like a Fraud)

Here’s how you can start building your network right now - without feeling forced or fake:1. Be Curious: Instead of thinking about what you need from others, focus on learning from them. Who is doing research that excites you? Who has a career path you admire? Follow their work, engage with their content, and reach out with genuine questions or comments.
**2. Give Before You Take: **The best way to build connections is to be helpful. Share an interesting paper, introduce two people who might benefit from knowing each other, or offer to collaborate on a project. Giving first makes networking feel more natural and less transactional.
3. Leverage Your Existing Circle: You don’t have to start from scratch! Your supervisors, lab mates, conference buddies, and even PhD Twitter or LinkedIn connections are part of your network. Strengthen those relationships and see where they lead.
4. Focus on the "work" in network: My favorite way of getting to know people in a professional setting is to actually work with them. It saves you the awkwardness smalltalk, you get to interact with people in a natural way, and rather than talking about your skills, your interests and your expertise, you can show them.
So, my best piece of advice this week would be: If you see an opportunity to get on a team with someone you'd like to connect to - a workshop, a task force, a volunteering or community service activity at your institute - take it!

A Quick Exercise to Try This Week

Think of someone in your field you admire—maybe a researcher, an industry expert, or someone whose work you’ve cited. Now, write a short, friendly message to them. Keep it simple and short:Mention something specific about their work that resonated with you.
Ask a thoughtful (but easy-to-answer) question - or, even better, share something that might be useful for them.
Thank them for their time.
“Hi [Name], I recently read your paper on [topic], and I really appreciated your insights on [specific point]. I’m currently researching [your topic], and I was curious about how you approached [a particular challenge]. Thanks for sharing your work— it’s been really inspiring to me!”Send it via email, LinkedIn, or Twitter. No pressure, no expectations—just genuine interest. And who knows? This could be the start of a great connection.If you try this, let me know how it goes! Hit reply or tag me on LinkedIn—I’d love to hear about your experience.Talk soon!Andrea

February 4, 2025

Issue 4: Fail fast, Learn faster

Failure is the fastest way to success

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Interface! Today, I want to talk about something that makes a lot of people (myself included) very uncomfortable: failure.We all dread it (yet, it happens to every single one of us): Experiments gone wrong. Methods not working out. In my case, camera traps getting stolen or just recording tens of thousands of images of moving leaves (a real bummer, I'm telling you!). We hate it because it throws us back, it costs time we don't really have and sometimes it even makes us question our ability as a researcher.But today I want to invite you to a little shift in perspective:Failure is not the opposite of success. It is data telling us what works and what doesn't. And the sooner and more often we gather this kind of data the faster we improve and eventually have success.

This Week’s Spotlight: The Science of Smart Failure

Innovation - whether in research, startups, or career-building - benefits from rapid feedback loops. The faster you collect feedback, the sooner you can improve. This principle is the foundation of:🚀 The Lean Startup Approach – Entrepreneurs don’t wait until they have a “perfect” product; they launch, gather feedback, and refine based on real-world data.If you're paying attention to this you'll see it all around you:💡The first versions of cell phones that you could only use for phone calls, SMS or for playing "Snake" (and I realize this makes me sound ancient). Very few people would buy such a product today where we have smart phones. It was an early version of a product that was not perfect. But still, it was brought to market and iteratively improved, based on data.💡Microwaves that always make parts of your food boiling hot while others stay cold - far from perfect but they're still out there and people find them useful (although I honestly wonder how much data is used to improve their performance - I don't see much progress there...).💡GoogleMaps! Ever used it and found yourself in a dead end? - I certainly have. Am I still using it, just like millions of other people? All the time!The list is endless. But what all those products have in common is this:• They are not perfect.
• Still, they are useful.
• Each version is part of an experiment and with each iteration (or launch) the developers generate data they can use to improve the next version.
(If you want to learn more about the lean startup approach Eric Ries' seminal book is a great read.)📈 Agile Research – Scientists who design small, iterative experiments rather than all-or-nothing projects are more likely to reach breakthroughs faster and waste less time trying to do big experiments that are bound to fail.😱 Failing in public – Want to get feedback fast and at the same time improve your communication skills? Use any opportunity to show your work in progress. You don't have to show polished results in a conference talk, poster or when you're meeting your PhD advisory committee. Instead, you can use the opportunity to talk about challenges you're facing in your research and ask for feedback.If you're really bold (and not working on some highly-classified project) you might even go so far as to post project updates on social media and this way not only get help but also become visible with your work, and maybe even grow your professional network.So, the tl;dr this week is this:No one gets it right the first time. The trick is to fail fast, adjust, and try again.

A Quick Exercise to Try This Week

1️⃣ Identify one area that you• have been postponing because you don’t feel “ready.” (Submitting your paper? Reaching out to a potential collaborator? Sharing your work online?)
• that you could break down into smaller "experimental units" that allow you to gather data.
2️⃣ Take one small, imperfect action to move forward.-> Send the email.
-> Post the idea.
-> Test the new method.
3️⃣ Collect "data" about what happened, adjust, and try again.🚀 Reply to this email and tell me: When did you last fail and what can you learn from it?I'll see you next week!

January 28, 2025

Issue 3: Your Research in 60 Seconds: The Power of the Elevator Pitch

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Interface! Today, we’re tackling a skill that can open doors in every setting, from conference icebreakers to job interviews: the elevator pitch.But what is an elevator pitch and why should you have one prepared?Imagine the following scenario:You're in an elevator and you're thinking about the paper you're about to submit. The elevator stops and for some unknown reason (please bear with me for a second) the editor-in-chief of your target journal steps in and asks you: "So, what's your research about?"
You know that if you nail your answer it could significantly improve your chances of getting published. You also know that you have no more than 30 seconds before the door opens and the two of you part ways.
Now, there are two ways this story could continue:1. The question catches you completely off-guard. You nervously stutter something like "it's hard to explain" and before you know it the moment is over and you haven't even started to properly think of what you could have sensibly said.
(You guessed it: This is the more common scenario).
2. You're prepared. Not because you figured that it's likely to bump into your target journal's editor-in-chief. You're prepared because you knew that you never know when you'll have an encounter that could potentially help your career (or whatever cause you care about). And because you know that luck favors those who are prepared.
So, for the next 30 seconds, you deliver your pitch. And by the time you step out of that elevator you know the editor will remember you by the time they receive your submission.
Of course it is highly unlikely this story will happen. But what does happen all the time is thisyou are asked about your work
the person you're talking to could help you or your cause if they just remembered you for more than 20 seconds, but unfortunately
they have the attention span of a starfish - especially if you meet them in a setting with lots of distractions (an elevator would actually be a great place to tell someone about your research compared to, say, a poster session).
So, you want to be prepared. And now we're gonna figure out how:

This Week’s Spotlight: Crafting a Memorable Elevator Pitch

Your elevator pitch is your magic tool for turning complex research into a story that resonates (and sticks!). It’s about answering one key question:Why should people care about what I do?Unfortunately, this is where things typically start to go wrong. Because if I want people to care about what I do, naturally the pitch should be about me. Right?!Nooo!! The most important thing you'll have to keep in mind is this: People care about things that are important to them. Maintaining a brain and keeping stuff in it is expensive so, if you want someone to remember you and your work you better make it crystal clear what's in it for them!That means you need to know a thing or two about your target group. And that requires you answering a couple of "meta-level" questions first:1. What is your goal? What do you want to achieve by talking about your work? (I know that can be a difficult one but I won't stop going on about it because, trust me - once you've figured that out for yourself everything else will fall into place!)2. Who are the people who could help you achieve that goal, i.e. your target group?3. What is important for them? How is your work relevant for them?Great! Now that you've clarified this for yourself you've already made a big step towards a clearer and more successful pitch.
The rest is just following a framework. Here's the technical "anatomy" you can use to build your elevator pitch:
Start with a "Hook"
Begin with the big picture - what’s the problem you’re addressing?
Example: Pollinator decline is a growing global challenge, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and food security.
The differentiator:
Let them know that you're different—that your research isn't just another iteration of what came before. Make it clear what your work adds to the existing body of literature. Explain what makes your research important and novel. Avoid jargon and focus on what makes your approach interesting or unique.
Example: While many studies highlight the problem, actionable solutions remain scarce. My research bridges that gap by identifying practical strategies that reduce pollinator loss while balancing agricultural productivity.
Provide evidence
Your most important result or conclusion. If you think of your research already as a paper, it would probably be the result you're showing in Figure 1.
Example: In a recent study, I developed a model that helped farmers decrease pesticide use by 20% without compromising crop yields, showcasing scalable, real-world applications.
End with a call to action:
Make sure you're inviting your audience to take action. An example for a really low-key call to action would be to ask them for their thoughts.
Example: I believe this work offers timely, evidence-based insights that align with your journal’s focus on applied ecological research. Would you be open to consider my manuscript for one of your upcoming issues?

A Quick Exercise to Try This Week

Write your elevator pitch following the above structurePractice it out loud until it feels natural. Then, try it out on someone in your target audience (or someone who knows your target audience) and ask them to repeat it back to you. If they can, you’re on the right track!Reply to this email and let me know how it went ;)Talk soon!

January 21, 2025

Issue #2: Thinking beyond your dissertation

Your thesis is more than a title — it’s your launchpad

Welcome back to The Interface!This week, we’re diving into how your thesis can do more than earn you a degree — if you go about it right it can become the launchpad for your future career.I don't know why you are doing a PhD.Maybe you already know you want to be a researcher. Maybe earning the title means a lot to you because you'll be the first person in your family to graduate (if that's you, I have so much respect for you! You're a real trailblazer and I can only imagine how hard it must be at times). Maybe the idea of diving deep into one topic intrigued you. Or, it was a way to stay in the place where you did your masters and make a living, too.Whatever it is that motivates you now - I firmly believe that if you want to thrive in your PhD you should think about your career beyond graduation asap.I know that especially when times get stressful we tend to think "I just wanna get it done". I know I felt this way sometimes. But the sooner you start thinking about what you want after the PhD the better. Because if you have this clarity you can use your PhD project to take intentional and strategic steps toward this next, bigger goal already now.And this has an amazing ripple effect:You'll be more motivated.
You'll work less (because it will be easy to separate tasks that are critical for your goal from those that are just nice-to-have).
By the time you graduate, you'll not only have a clear idea of what you want - you'll be equipped with the right skills and network to get it, too.
That's why I'm such a big fan of creating a personal brand already during your PhD. Because it basically distills your skills, your expertise, your personality into a package that doesn't only affect your future. It improves your present (work-)life, too.

This Week’s Spotlight: How to turn your thesis into a personal brand

Your thesis is a reflection of your expertise, your unique perspective, and your ability to solve problems. Here’s how you can turn it into your professional launchpad:Position yourself as an expert
Your research dives deep into a specific topic that’s valuable to a particular audience. Whether it’s other scientists, policy advocates, industry professionals, or educators, your work demonstrates expertise they can trust. Show your thought leadership by sharing your insights, your unique views or simply what you learn on platforms like LinkedIn or Medium.
Make your work accessible for others
Who could be interested in or impacted by your research? Think of at least one person (if you can't think of anyone, just make someone up - marketing people call this a persona or avatar) and come up with a narrative around your work that resonates with that one person. Ideally, your persona is from a field where you see yourself in after you graduate. For example, if you want to stay in science, create a narrative that is interesting for another scientist (maybe from a slightly different field). If you want to transition into a certain industry think about angles of your research (or other interesting aspects of your work) that could be relevant for people who work there. If you can, practice presenting this narrative to someone in your target group (we'll talk more about how to do this in next week's issue), get their feedback and learn how to refine your message so they easily understand it.
Leverage your research for visibility
Use the narrative you created in step 2 as a starting point to increase your visibility as an expert. Look for opportunities to network, speak in front of different audiences, advise policy makers or write articles for different media. These activities grow your reputation and put you in front of people who can open doors to exciting opportunities.

A Quick Exercise to Try This Week

Write a one-paragraph summary of your research for a person of your choice. Include:The problem your research addresses.
Who it impacts.
Why it matters.
If you struggle to come up with ideas you can use this impact matrix to get your creative juices flowing:

Find and leverage the impact areas of your PhD research

How to fill in the impact matrix: Look at each of the intersections and check? Is there an aspect of your research work (your topic, your results, the methods you are using, the skills you have or that you are developing and things you know more broadly about the field of your study) that could influence one or several of the impact areas? If yes, how? You don't need to find examples for all combinations. One is enough to get started.

Of course the categories I added here are just examples to inspire you. You can come up with your own if the ones here don't fit.
Once you've drafted your summary, post it on LinkedIn or share it with a friend outside your field and ask for feedback. Notice how simplifying your message changes the way others understand your work.
Again, tag me if you want or send me your summary as an email! I'd love to see what you came up with (and what your research is all about ;))!Talk soon!

January 14, 2025

Issue #1: Your Research, Your Brand

Welcome to the first issue of The Interface! Weekly insights from entrepreneurship, communication, management, and community building to help you thrive in your career - in academia and beyond.I’ve spent my whole career at some kind of interface:• Studying biology as someone who's much more naturally talented in languages and humanities than in science.
• As a trained neuroscientist switching to ecology and working on bat conservation.
• As Science-Policy professional supporting scientists in communicating their findings to decision makers.
And today, as a founder, using research principles to grow my business and drawing on insights from entrepreneurs, communication experts and leaders to help young scientists thrive in their careers.I love to explore the space between different "worlds". And I am super excited to continue this journey - with this newsletter and with you. Thanks so much for being here!Now, enough about me. Here's what you will get:Each issue, I’ll share practical advice and actionable insights from outside the ivory tower to help you make the most of your academic journey and beyond:• Finish your thesis faster and with less stress.
• Use insights from fields like entrepreneurship, communication, management and community building to amplify your impact.
• Transform your research and unique skillset into a personal brand that sets you up for your next career step — whether that's in academia, industry, or something else entirely.
This Week’s Spotlight: Bridging Academia and Personal BrandingAs a PhD researcher, you’re mastering the art of deep research, critical thinking, and problem-solving. And ideally, all those skills culminate in papers that advance the field and a successful thesis defense.But those milestones are just the beginning of what your work can achieve!I know, as a researcher you probably don’t consider yourself a “brand”. But think about it this way: Your brand (or, your personal brand, more specifically) is simply the sum of skills, characteristics and experiences others associate with you. And you have two choices:1. Leave it up to others what they see in you, or2. intentionally craft this impression so it serves your goals.Now here’s where your PhD comes in. Your thesis isn’t just a dense document—it’s a treasure trove of ideas, expertise, innovation, and problem-solving. By using it as a showcase for your skills, expertise and experience, you can:Position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.
Build a professional network that works for you.
Open doors to speaking engagements, collaborations, and job offers.
Gain clarity on what you stand for and where you’re headed next.
Here’s one quick way to get started: Craft a LinkedIn summary that connects your research to real-world impact and add it to your bio.
Here’s an example:"I am a PhD candidate in [Field] researching [specific topic]. My work focuses on solving [problem] to help [specific group or industry]. I’m passionate about [related skills or areas] and look forward to leveraging my expertise to drive innovation and create impact beyond academia."Done? Tag me! I'd love to see what you came up with!Talk soon!

About Me

PhD, trainer, coach, support, female scientist

You know what you want in life.
A career that excites you and aligns with your values.
Enough time for your friends, family and yourself.
And sometimes you wonder how doing a PhD fits into that. It just feels like the opposite of what you want so often!I know. I've been there.

I started my PhD even though I knew I didn't want to be a scientist. I'd much rather become a science journalist but unfortunately, all my applications were rejected. So I thought to myself if I can't have what I want I'll do this PhD. At least I'll get to write and do fieldwork in a nice sunny place, and I'll be free in organizing my daily work.So I thought.But turns out, Portugal isn't that sunny, my writing often stalled because I didn't get feedback from my advisor or my co-authors, work hours were long and my paper got desk rejected.
Instead of feeling relaxed, in charge and successful, I was stressed and frustrated pretty often. And worst of all, I didn't know WHY I was doing all that to myself. I didn't have a vision for my life after the PhD (I still didn't want to be a scientist) and my motivation hit rock bottom.
Then, I found this job I really, really wanted. But, to be qualified, I needed a PhD.

6 months later I had

• the job
• my first chapter published in Science
• submitted my dissertation
All while being in a relationship, hanging out with friends, taking my pony on rides and going on four-week holidays every year.

How did I do that?

• I found my "why"
• I created an efficient system to manage my project
• I asked for support
I believe with all my heart that if you have these three things you can succeed in anything you put your mind to.

clarity, ease, PhD, decision

That's why I created WiSible

To walk with you on your path to the career of your dreams.Whatever that may mean for you.

Imprint and Data Protection

Dr. Andrea Perino
Zschochersche Str. 10
04177 Leipzig
+49 (0)176/57852714

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